Following the massive success of ‘Stree 2,’ Rajkummar Rao is gearing up for his next project, an action thriller titled ‘Maalik.’ On his birthday today, Rajkummar revealed the film’s title and details, announcing that it will be directed by Pulkit. The project, backed by Tips Films and Northern Lights Films, was teased by Rao on his social media handles last Friday.
In the recent post, the actor finally released a poster of the new film and also revealed that it has started shooting.”#Maalik ki duniya mein aapka Swagat hai. Shoot shuru ho chuka hai, jald hi mulaqat hogi @justpulkit @kumartaurani @jayshewakramani @tipsfilmsofficial @nlfilms.”
Pulkit, renowned for directing the investigative drama ‘Bhakshak’ with Bhumi Pednekar and Dedh Bigha Zameen starring Pratik Gandhi, will helm Maalik. The film is produced by Kumar Taurani under the Tips Films banner and Jay Shewakramani‘s Northern Lights Films.
Meanwhile, Rajkummar Rao is currently basking in the success of ‘Stree 2,’ the sequel to his 2018 hit Stree. The horror comedy, which also stars Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana, and Abhishek Banerjee, is performing exceptionally well at the box office, grossing over Rs 600 crore globally. In India, the film’s net collections have surpassed Rs 450 crore, making it one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films ever.
Looking ahead, Rajkummar’s upcoming projects include Maalik, an action thriller directed by Pulkit and produced by Kumar Taurani’s Tips Films, and Jay Shewakramani’s Northern Lights Films. Additionally, he will star in ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’ alongside Triptii Dimri and in Bachpan Ka Pyar with Vaani Kapoor.
In the recent post, the actor finally released a poster of the new film and also revealed that it has started shooting.”#Maalik ki duniya mein aapka Swagat hai. Shoot shuru ho chuka hai, jald hi mulaqat hogi @justpulkit @kumartaurani @jayshewakramani @tipsfilmsofficial @nlfilms.”
Pulkit, renowned for directing the investigative drama ‘Bhakshak’ with Bhumi Pednekar and Dedh Bigha Zameen starring Pratik Gandhi, will helm Maalik. The film is produced by Kumar Taurani under the Tips Films banner and Jay Shewakramani‘s Northern Lights Films.
Meanwhile, Rajkummar Rao is currently basking in the success of ‘Stree 2,’ the sequel to his 2018 hit Stree. The horror comedy, which also stars Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana, and Abhishek Banerjee, is performing exceptionally well at the box office, grossing over Rs 600 crore globally. In India, the film’s net collections have surpassed Rs 450 crore, making it one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films ever.
Looking ahead, Rajkummar’s upcoming projects include Maalik, an action thriller directed by Pulkit and produced by Kumar Taurani’s Tips Films, and Jay Shewakramani’s Northern Lights Films. Additionally, he will star in ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’ alongside Triptii Dimri and in Bachpan Ka Pyar with Vaani Kapoor.
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